gf comprises three divisions gf piping systems, gf automotive, and gf machining solutions. founded in 1802, the corporation is headquartered in switzerland and is present in 32 countries, with 124 companies, 48 of them production facilities. its approximately 14 000 employees generated sales of chf 3.77 billion in 2013.
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simple to install with time honored reliable performance, model 515 rotor-x paddlewheel flow sensors are highly repeatable, rugged sensors that offer exceptional value with little or no maintenance.
037/038 型金属蝶阀可用作开/关或控制阀。管道法兰之间的阀门安装简便,保证了操作和密封的可靠性。
轻质铝阀体在运输与安装中具有特别优势。阀体的 rilsan 涂层和球墨铸铁盘具有更强的耐腐蚀性。该蝶阀还提供带不锈钢盘的标准型号
107型球阀是546型球阀(d16dn10 到 d63dn50)和电动执行器ea11组合而成。107型球阀是自动化标准应用产品。