
水思源科技发展有限公司. georg fischer ltd-凯发集团娱乐

gf comprises three divisions gf piping systems, gf automotive, and gf machining solutions. founded in 1802, the corporation is headquartered in switzerland and is present in 32 countries, with 124 companies, 48 of them production facilities. its approximately 14 000 employees generated sales of chf 3.77 billion in 2013.

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与2450压力传感器适配,其特点为:2x16 lcd显示,耐腐蚀外壳,能显示巴、kpa等多种模式,具备输出模拟功能及双路输入、输出选择项。

3-8750 ph/orp变送器

与ph/orp传感器适配,其特点为:2×16 lcd显示,耐腐蚀外壳,具有自动温度补偿功能,能显示℃和℉等多种模式,允许温度和ph信号双路输出。

3-8850 电导变送器

与电导传感器适配,其特点为:2×16 lcd显示,耐腐蚀外壳,具有程序化温度补偿功能, 能显示μs、ms、kω、mω、ppm等多种模式,允许温度和过程信号转换双路输出。
the signet 4150 turbidimeter system provides accurate and reliable epa-compliant water quality monitoring for municipal and industrial applications.
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